Juno Orders FAQ

Please find the following commonly asked topics. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Be sure to submit a question using the chat box in the lower right corner.

Contract Terms & Conditions

How long is my contract subscription for Juno Orders?

Juno Orders is licensed as a monthly subscription. You may have a few as a single user license. If you wish to cancel your Juno Orders subscription, please send us a request to contact@junorocket.com at least five business days prior to the start of your next subscription period. No refunds will be given for partial months used under monthly subscriptions.

How do I change the number of licensed users for Juno Orders?

Send us an email at contact@junoorders.com and we can adjust your subscription to either increase or reduce the number of licensed users you are requesting. No credit will be given for partial month usage.

Quote Creation and Management

How do I modify the email sent for approved quotes?

To modify the automated email for approved quotes, go to Setup, search for Communication, click on Email Templates, switch to the Juno Order Templates and click on the Approved Alerts email template to edit.

Salesforce Lightning Tips

How can I change the links on a Lightning page?

To modify the links displayed at the top of a Salesforce Lightning page, visit an existing object page and then click on the wheel. Now you’ll click on edit object and browse to the buttons and links.

Package Field Level Security

How can I check package Field Level Security settings?

Click Setup from the top right corner, navigate to installed packages, select the package in question. Select the “View Components” button and then search for the name of the field in order to check the security settings.

Adjusting Search Lookup Headings

How do I change the columns in Salesforce lookup windows?

This quick video describes the easy process of changing Salesforce lookup window columns

Grant Login Access

To grant Juno Rocket temporary support login access, follow these steps.

  • Click in the upper right corner on your user image
  • Click on the Settings
  • Under Personal Information, select Grant Login Access
  • Choose “Juno Rocket Support” and select desired amount of time

Updated on June 23, 2020

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